
Gel Permeation Chromatography Analysis of Relative Molecular Mass and Distribution of Petroleum Resin of C5 Hydrogenation

  • 摘要: 通过凝胶渗透色谱(GPC),采用普适校准法对C5加氢石油树脂的相对分子质量及分布进行测定.方法选取适合有效的小分子物质作为标准物质,测得样品的数均分子量约Mn=500,重均分子量约Mw=900。结果表明,方法不仅数据准确、可靠、重现性好,而且精密度高,绘出的图谱具有直观性,这对研究石油树脂的机械性能、流动性和成型加工性等有着极其重要的意义,为C5加氢石油树脂生产工艺提供了行之有效的分析方法。


    Abstract: A new gel permeation chromatographic(GPC) method for the analysis of relative molecular mass and distribution of petroleum resin of C5 hydrogenation using the universal calibration has been established. In the method reference material of small molecule of fit value is seiected.The determated results showed that the method is accurate,reliable and highly repeatable. The characterized chromatograms are straightforward and understandable, which has a very important significance for the study of mechanical properties,fluidity,processability and other properties of C5. This is an effective analytical method for the petroleum resin of C5 hydrogenation.


