Rapid Determination of Arsenic and Mercury in Coal Fly Ash by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
摘要: 采用王水分解试样-原子荧光光谱法(AFS)测定粉煤灰中的砷、汞,方法回收率分别为98.5%~102.0 %、85.0%~105.0%,相对偏差分别为1.9%~4.8%、0.6%~2.4%. 方法具有快速、简便、灵敏等优点,对探讨粉煤灰在农业生态环境方面的综合利用颇有价值.Abstract: The sample was dissolved in aqua vegia; AFS method was used to determine arsenic and mercury in coal fly ash.The ralative stand deviations of them are 1.9%~4.8%,0.6%~2.4%. The recovery of them is 98.5%~102.0%,85.0%~105.0% respectively. The method is simple、quick and high sensitivity.The method has been applied to comprehensive utilization of coal fly ash in monitor agriculture ecology environment.