GC-MS Determination of Dihydroactionidiolide
摘要: 采用GC-MS5973 Agilent气质联用仪,HP-5MS毛细色谱柱,SIM扫描外标法,对二氢猕猴桃内脂进行定量定性分析.在选定的色谱-质谱条件下,二氢猕猴桃内检出限为0.1 ng,线性范围为0.5~100 ng,方法的回收率为99.8%,RSD为1.04%(n=6).Abstract: The determination of dihydroactinidiolide was carried out by GC/MS 5973 Agilent with HP-5MS capillary column and the selective ion measurement(SIM) method. Under the optimum conditions, the detection limit was found to be 0.1 ng,and linearity was held in the range of 0.5~100 ng of dihydroactinidiolide in 1 μL of the sample solution. Recovery test was made by the standard addition method and the value of 99.8% was obtained,and the RSD′s (n=6) obtained were 1.04% .