
Spectrophotometer Connected to a Computer

  • 摘要: 人工记录的方法是无法准确记录分光光度计所指示的消光值,特别是因浓度(10-5~10-4mol/L)改变,而导致精度和准确度不高.采用计算机联机的方式是可以克服此种弊端,精确度和准确度都很高并有良好的线性关系.且自动绘图(即比耳定律的线性图)并输出.此装置具有快速、直观、处理过程图文并茂等特点.


    Abstract: The method of recording manually which recorded values of absorption in the general spectrophotometer can't be a pplied to being recorded accurately its values of spectra, especially converting tinge solution between 10-5 mol/L and 10-4 mol/L. It results in becoming accurate and sensitive lowly. However, it a voided this deviation, which is applied by spectrophotometer connected to a computer, and its accuracy and sensitivity is very high and keeps good linear relation, and automatically plots the graph which is obeyed by Beer's law and outputs the graph, and its device is simple, rapid and direct with successful result.


