Measuring Polarization and Reflection Character of Optical Components by Using Spectrophotometer
摘要: 利用进口仪器Lambda-9分光光度计所具有的软硬件,在分析研究可调角偏振和高灵敏度反射测量的基础上指出了影响测量精度的有关技术问题,并在不影响仪器原有精度的前提下设计加工了可调角偏振和高灵敏度反射测量系统.现已广泛用于国家多项重大重点课题,对光学元件和材料可调角范围(20°~70°)的偏振透射反射以及反射率低于0.5%的高灵敏度测量要求.Abstract: After analyzing the measuring of variable-angle polarization and high sensitive reflection some technical problems which influence the measuring precision by using Lambda-9 spectrometer and its software are pointed out. Ameasuring system of variable-angle polarization and high sensitive reflection have also designed and made without reducing the former precision,and now it is being widely used in many important national items to satisfy the high sensitive measuring request.