Finnigan Mat 4515色/质联用仪真空系统的维护与维修

Maintenance of Vacuum System in Finnigan Mat 4515 GC/MS

  • 摘要: 叙述大型精密仪器Finnigan Mat4515色/质联用仪的真空系统的维护与维修,利用报废的旧仪器零部件,在技术上稍加改动,便可修复即将报废的色/质联用仪,使其继续发挥作用,为科研工作赢得了时间.投资少,见效快,事半功倍,具有一定的经济和社会效益,是维修旧的大型仪器的有效途径.


    Abstract: This paper introduces the maintenance of vacuum system in ten years old Finnigan Mat 4515 GC/MS. A scrapped oil diffusion pump from Finnigan Mat 4021 GC/MS was repaired and used instead of the damaged one of the Finnigan Mat 4515 GC/MS.This measure saves much money in purchasing a new set of instrument and is a valid experience for making full use of large scale instruments in China.The repairment is described in detail.


