孙润广. 药物与生物膜相互作用的近代生物物理方法研究进展[J]. 分析测试技术与仪器, 1994, (4): 20-25.
引用本文: 孙润广. 药物与生物膜相互作用的近代生物物理方法研究进展[J]. 分析测试技术与仪器, 1994, (4): 20-25.
Sun Runguang. Progress of Modern Biophysical Methods for Studying Relationship between Anticarcinogen and Biomembrane[J]. Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments, 1994, (4): 20-25.
Citation: Sun Runguang. Progress of Modern Biophysical Methods for Studying Relationship between Anticarcinogen and Biomembrane[J]. Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments, 1994, (4): 20-25.


Progress of Modern Biophysical Methods for Studying Relationship between Anticarcinogen and Biomembrane

  • 摘要: 作者研究发现多不饱和脂肪酸、胆固醇、磷脂是构成生化抗癌药物的重要因素,三者只有按一定的比例制成类似生物膜的液晶态脂体,才能发挥各自的作用.在此基础上,提出了生物液晶态模型.根据该模型设计、研制了新型的抗癌药物-亚油酸铂免疫定向脂质体.初步研究表明:该药物有明显的抗肿瘤作用,进而阐明了近代生物物理技术在研究液晶态生物膜与癌症及其治疗之间关系中的重要作用.


    Abstract: Experimental reSults show that platinic fatty add, cholesterol and phospholipines are three factors of forming biochemical anticarinogen. Only by making the liquid crystal state similar to biomembrane with three ingredients in a given proportion, can they play their action of raising the anticadriogenic efficiency of platinic fatty acid. On the basis of above results a model of biological liquid Crystal state was advanced. Accoarding to this model we have designed arid prepared a new anticancer agent-liposome containing linoleic platinum. It has ho found that it is a very effective antitumor agent. We expound further that the modem biophysical technology plays an important part in studying the relation between biomembrane and cancer and the therapy of cancer.


