The semi-preparative high performance liquid chromatographic condition of the title compound, a new water soluble prophrin T(4-MOP)PS
4, has been established. Using a Shimpack PREP-ODScolumn (14μm, 20mmi.d×250mm) as the Stationary phase and the solution of acetonitrile-water (25:75, V/V) containing 10mmol/L tetraethylammonium iodide as the mobile phase, flow rate 18mL/min, T (4-MOP) PS
4 was completely separated from impurities and detected at 418nm. The received.T(4-MOP)PS
4 solution has good purity and has been successfully applied to the HPLC determination of trace cobalt(Ⅱ), zinc(Ⅱ) and copper(Ⅱ)in the tap water sample.