Establishment of the Differential Capacitance Spectrometer
摘要: 利用差分法方法,研制出了电容、电导测试系统并编制了系统操作软件。该系统具有测试精度高、自动化程度高的特点,能测量0.01pF的电容变化量,而且其操作过程均由计算机自动控制,简单易学;该系统另一特点是既可测量电容、电导相对值,也可测量电容、电导绝对值。测试结果表明系统的精度已达HP公司的电容谱仪水平。使用该系统既可研究半导体表面、界面,也可研究半导体同、异质结器件的工作性能及制备工艺。Abstract: A Capacitance and condutance spectruometer has been established by using differential method. This measuring system is characterized high plecision and highly automatic automaticoperation.With this system a variation of capacitance as small as 0.01 pF can be measured.Another characteristic of the measuring system is that is can measure both the relative and absolute value of capacitance and conductance. The testing result shows that the preecision of this measuring system has reached that of the capacitance spectrometer from HP corporation, manufacture process of heterojunction and conjunction device fabricated on semiconductors can be studied.