The existed physical adsorption analysis system was functionally upgraded according to the experimental requirements and the performance of the physical adsorption analysis system. A set of pretreatment equipment for the gas adsorption method was developed to solve the current problems of insufficient degassing equipment, incomplete degassing of materials of ultra-high surface area and ultra-fine pore size, and the collapse of the internal structure of new materials such as metal-organic framework materials (MOF) and organic covalent framework materials (COF) caused by the large temperature fluctuations of the existed pretreatment equipment. A new analysis station was built to upgrade the current inefficient and cost effective testing from the single station testing to the high efficiency dual station testing. The improvement of the addition tool of liquid nitrogen, avoids the frostbite of the tester and the effect of temperature of transferring liquid nitrogen tools on the test data. Based on a large number of inorganic adsorbent tests, the physical adsorption instrument was extended to organic gas adsorbent tests such as methane, propane and methanol, the physical adsorption tests of duality adsorbents was realized and the functional range of the instrument was enhanced. The physical adsorption system and its test method were improved by the improvement of the adsorption environment device, the solution of the phenomenon of condensation in the sample tube during the adsorption process, and the avoidance of the large adsorption amount.