
Sharing and Management of Dual Beam (SEM/FIB) Electron Microscope with Cryo-Preparation System

  • 摘要: 带冷冻传输系统的双束扫描电镜可实现样品原生态下的高分辨图像采集,以及冷冻含水样品的超薄切片制备,而被广泛应用于生命、医学、食品、化学、材料等领域,在相关科学研究中逐渐体现出不可取代的地位. 介绍了带冷冻系统扫描电镜的基本配置,并重点从开放共享与成效、仪器常见故障及维护等方面详细阐述了仪器的科学管理,以提高仪器的使用效率,为同类型仪器的运行提供管理经验.


    Abstract: Dual beam (SEM/FIB) electron microscope with the cryo-transfer system is an important method for the research of life science, medical science, food science, chemistry, material science and so on. It can be used to acquire high resolution images for the specimens with native state, and to prepare ultrathin lamellas with cryo-FIB milling for the vitrified specimens. The basic configurations of the microscope are introduced, and the management of the instrument, including the equipment sharing and efficiency, trouble shooting and maintenance are described. These will help to introduce scientific management of the instrument and provide valuable experience for the similar facility.


