
Determination of Calcium Fluoride in Fluorite by X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 采用X射线荧光光谱仪可以快速准确测定萤石中总钙的含量.但测定其中氟化钙含量时,一方面,由于样品中碳酸钙计入钙量,从而造成氟化钙测定结果准确性较差.另一方面,铜、锌等金属元素在熔融制样时对铂金坩埚腐蚀较大,因此需要进行酸处理除去碳酸钙及铜、锌等金属元素.然而,样品经过酸处理后,质量会发生变化,造成熔剂与样品的比例不一致,从而影响测定结果.对样品前处理条件、XRF分析中熔片和仪器工作条件等进行了优化,建立了熔融制样、X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)准确测定萤石中氟化钙含量的方法.方法干扰少,具有良好的准确度和精密度,操作简单,提高了分析效率.


    Abstract: X Ray fluorescence spectrometry(XRF) can be used to rapidly determine the total content of calcium in fluorite. However, the calcium carbonate included in total calcium will cause in inaccurate results of calcium fluoride. Moreover, copper, zinc and other non-ferrous metal elements can damage the platinum crucible, so acid treatment is required to remove calcium carbonate and other non-ferrous metals. The residues of different samples after acid treatment are different to the ones before and the ratio of the flux to sample is uncertain, thus the content of calcium fluoride cannot he accurately determined. The sample pretreatment conditions, melting conditions and equipment conditions are described. A method for the accurate determination of calcium fluoride in fluorite by fused XRF has been established, which has less interference, good accuracy and precision, simple operation and improved analysis efficiency.


