
Comparison of Pretreatment Methods for Major Elements Such as Potassium, Calcium, etc, in Determination of Geological Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 通过以标准物质玄武岩为试验对象,分别使用酸溶法和碱熔法进行样品前处理,采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)测定,二者均取得了良好的结果.其中,酸溶法对样品的消解更为彻底,元素的提取更为完全,与标准物质元素推荐值之间的误差更小.但碱熔法流程更为简单,所需时间短,且不影响样品Si元素的测定.总体来说,碱熔法适合用于常规地质样品常量元素的前处理,酸溶法适合于较难溶解的地质样品常量和痕量元素的测定.二者均对试验细节有较高的要求.实际应用中,需不断改进试验方法,严谨试验细节,以获得更简便的方法和更准确的结果.


    Abstract: Using the standard material basalt as the experimental object, the elements were pretreated by acid dissolution and alkali melting methods, respectively, determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, in both methods good results were obtained. The acid dissolution method is more effective in the digestion of the sample and the extraction of the elements, which made smaller deviation to the standard value. However, the alkali melting process is simpler with shorter time required, and did not affect the determination of Si elements. The latter method is more suitable for the pretreatment of common elements in normal geological samples. The former method is more suitable for the determination of common and trace elements in geological samples which are difficult to dissolve. Both of them need high requirements to the experiment details. In the future, it is necessary to improve the experimental methods and experimental details in order to obtain more convenient experimental methods and accurate results.


