
Application of Magnetic Solid-Phase Extraction in Toxicological Analysis

  • 摘要: 磁性固相萃取是一种新型的样品前处理技术,具有萃取时间短、吸附能力强、有机溶剂使用量少、操作简单快捷等优点,已经广泛应用于样品的分离提纯.在简要介绍磁性固相萃取技术发展、材料制备的基础上,着重对国内外磁性固相萃取技术在药毒物分析方面的发展现状以及应用进展进行了综述,以期为法庭科学领域相关物证鉴定提供参考,为严厉打击相关违法犯罪活动提供科学理论与实践依据.


    Abstract: As a new typical sample pretreatment approach, magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE) has been widely applied in the separation and purification of complex samples, which has many advantages, including costing less extraction time and organic solvents, having higher absorption ability and simple and fast operation. The development of MSPE and materials were reviewed, and the application in toxicological analysis was also discussed in detail, aiming at provide reference for the trace evidence analysis in forensic science area and cracking down the drug crime.


